Because of money and politics, some, if not all, try to kick a man down when his intentions are perfectly honorable. They cut corners and play the old political ways of problem solving. They control the media at their instant grasp doesn't help anyone in the public eye. That alone should speak loudly to any God fearing patriot.
We have been, and are now, a nation of "wanting to judge others". I can't understand what or why we were thinking during
that period of time, when we allowed the state to fill our Media with opinionated journalism from gossips whom only tell "their truths", just to bury an honest public servants. Most laugh it off and side with whatever is spoken or heard of form a news outlet. So many people these days have forgotten the "Golden Rule"; Believe half of what you see, nothing of what you hear. Now, it appears, a lot of people have put ethics and morals on the back burner in order to feel superior to public servants injured in the line of duty. The people now covet the money or lives of
others, not realizing how content they could be within their own lifestyle; who would want my life of pain? I can honestly say; "I don't want this life!"
I wonder how people, in politically held offices, can put a value on a
Officers life. As an Officer, your main function isn't an elected position,
it's being an
public servant. I went into Law Enforcement to enjoy the
stability of a job that's honorable, yet para-military (because I know and enjoy the job. I left Cardio-Thoracic surgery behind after twenty years
of extreme pressure and lost time with my own family to do so.
Being an Officer, although stressful, never rose to the commitment or academic
endeavors required in the surgeries I was involved in. Most Officers I met never
attended college or any serious secondary training. In that, I feel
the system has failed most Law Enforcement Officers, it has left them exposed
to so many personal interpretations of the CPL and declining laws that are put in place
for Officer safety. As an Officer you hear; "be careful not to fall in
with the wrong crowd" and "Don't ever throw your partner or any other
Officer under the bus" (As if dealing with the criminal element stressors ween't enough) now you have to worry about how others see you as being a
"Team Player".
"Always be there for your Brother's because
someday it may be you that needs the help".
Our County, the capitol of New York State, Albany is "self insured".
Looking back now after being through such a life changing obstacle I can report what I've lost:
*My wife of 21 years...
Everything I tried so diligently to hold on to and help succeed.
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