
* * * * *Spinal Cord Injured Persons Please Read!* * * * *

"Partial - Permanent" answers to "Permanent Injuries"!

Although, the fight I fear will never end, I've found a few new resources and some plausable answers to our Spinal Cord Injuries. No suspence is necessary so I use the medical terminology you'll need when looking into help for yourself or another casualty of a spinal cord injury and terminal nerve damage . The procedure is called an "SCS" or Spinal Cord Stimulator. Some may tell you that this is "new technology" but actually idea and different tools and implants have changed drastically over the years since 1967! I mention this because I recently saw a segment on "The Dr.s" and they had a visiting Doctor and patient who claimed that this is the "very first time te procedure was ever used in the U.S.". The facts are fuzzy here as all surgical procedures may vary with technique and also with the type of devices, wire, screw and trocar's to implant this "Patented device" that essentially does the same thing is about the money, you've heard it before and you'll hear again, over and over for the rest of your life!

My impression, which is a professional profession by education, training and experience is; the skill of the technician and their supporting staff make their device just that much better than the others! One important bit of advice I can't express more than anything else; it's to follow your instincts and do your homework! Don't expect to just "get lucky" and find a way team of professionals... *You need to get the best device, and support for the device, to follow you after implantation.

Not only do you have to absorb the presentation of the medical professional, it's almost like another language, being told to you out of your comfort zone. Not anything most people are prepared for, even when they're hoping their Doctor is "good" at what he or she does, it's that "blind trust" that has literally opened the eyes of most Americans but unfortuneately not in their time of need. Time and time again we see the abuses made by people in service related positions. In my opinion; the weight of the patient choice falls upon the shoulders. You need to do yoour "homework" Investigate your choices before you even leave your home! Look up these people via google, back ground checks and please, if you're in New York, use the link I provided here on my site; to check and see if your Doctor is under or has been under any medical diciplinary action. Ask friends and family and if you don't understand, ask questions and then if you still don't get it; ask again! *I'm not coming down on all Doctors or medical facilities but in all honesty, after all the "homework" I did, I found a Doctor who i, in my book, way below par andI paid the price!

Back to where I am now (finally)! The "SCS" appears to be a relief! My pain level has been cut, but not in half as suggested, more like 10% and I look forward to dropping the medication! *Remember; Medication or Narcotics are Poison! Your blood vessels aren't built for these drugs or any other drugs really. If people only knew what the plaque build up does they may consider the choices they make... It isn't like a food diet as the foods are broken down and filtered. The toxins, mostly are removed naturally. So please, just try to think how your decisions are affecting you and your family and the time you have left on this earth. **That wasn't a rant it's a real warning!** I can personally ratify and confirm the following: Martin G. Ferillo DO who belongs with The Albany Center for Pain Management (also located in Saratoga Springs, NY) Here's a link: http://www.AlbanyPainManagement.com/ and the (SCS) Spinal Cord Stimulator vendor; Boston Scientific makers of the PRECISION Plus and Paul Notar (Field Sales Trainer Neuromodulation) http://www.ControlYourPain.com These people I can tell you from direct knowlegde of their services and personal care.

More to come after the surgery!

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