~ Injured in the "Line of Duty" ~March 20th 2004
(My "new" Life ~ My "Prison")
I've always been motivated and focused to do my job, always 100%; in my world there's no such thing as 110% I know many whom feel the same. Although, it's not every one's reality or work ethic, I know that I've been blessed to work with some of the hardest, honest and strongest people I'd ever meet during my lifetime and that speaks volumes to their character. From Cardio - Thoracic Surgery (working those long, long Mental hours) to being an LEO, I've been lucky to have had the right people around me. I owe each of them a debt of gratitude for their strength and friendship because I enjoyed whatever job I held and always thought of our team as the best, I knew it and I they knew it too. I hope all people in critical positions try their absolute best. We all know some job's aren't as demanding as the job's I've had in my life; Cardiac surgery was a 20+ year love of mine and now it's Law enforcement. There are so many sub-titles under our positions but after it's all done and it comes to the real facts ~ We are public servants. Oddly enough, knowing my injury is real, it was hard for me to understand the scrutiny and lies the Insurance company would and did employ to discredit me. The fact that no one really came to me personally to see if I'm okay is hard enough. I feel betrayed. I can understand though, at first I didn't even know I was injured! At least not to the extent that I learned after my surgery! About two hours into the "use of force" paperwork my back started to get stiff, I really hardly noticed it but one of my sergeants asked me if "anyone else was hurt at all"... I had to say "I thought I may have pulled a muscle"... Two and a half years later... and two major spinal surgeries later... My hopes of ever getting back to normal, or being able to hold a job of any kind, are dashed. I can't take care of our house and people still don't understand or care. I've been told that "I've changed for the worse and my outlook on life isn't "fun" anymore". I admit it - I'm not the ball of energy I used to be, but I'm still here! !f I could change my physical situation it would be like I had been in prison and finally released. Objectively, prisoners have it better than I, yes there is danger but they are taken care of... Every need is addressed or can be addressed and acknowledged when a complaint is made. I'm not afforded that without possibly losing something on the back end. My Lawyer says "I've gotten the best possible decision from Workers Comp." I'm not to sure I have because I don't feel the benefit of honor an injured Officer should feel. In fact I feel like I'm not thought of until another Officer is injured and I get a phone call, from an injured Officer, the Union gave my phone number to. It isn't funny at all, but sometimes I feel my life is not my own anymore, I'm treated like a lower class of people I swore to protect society from.

The photo above shows the metal I got (titanium plates, cages and stainless steel screws). Some times I wonder... If I was killed that night... Would my community, employers or Brothers and Sisters respect my service? Would they step up and take care of my family as promised on paper? If you've been seriously injured and haven't been treated poorly, I think you should count your lucky stars!
I decided to share my experiences with past and future Officers looking for help. As you may know by now there aren't many places for injured Officers to go. Sure there are chat rooms, possibly some blogs, but nothing is put in one place for the Officer to look at and apply to without giving blood and way too much information. If you're ever injured in the line of duty, the protection you think you have, for yourself and your family within the law enforcement community isn't as clear or guaranteed as you think (or are told) even if it's on paper! You're about to travel through a living hell. And I'm not just referring to the actual physical pain. I'm still on this road and I have no intention of giving up! I do know how to get some of the information you may need and I have used that can help you get by. If you need help - just post a comment to this blog, it will shoot me a direct email and I'll see what I can find for you. Some things go pretty quickly but in some cases it may take me some time. However - remember I'm injured too, and there are a bunch of people with huge problems and really good questions. There are links on the upper Left and bottom right of this page use them as a resource as I put them their for you!
It's all up to you. You can get involved or just tell your story. I'm here and if you need a hand there are groups of us, however scattered they are effective.
*To be fair to the psychology of warfare and our administrations, maybe the idea of not acknowledging injured or permanently disabled Officers is in line with not showing weakness to the criminals ~ they don't want them to know that they can hurt us. However, this type of thought allows for wide spread abuses by Insurance companies and employees. It all boils down to "it's all about the money" that has been proven by the actions I've experienced, along with so many other Officers. If you believe that insurance companies don't abuse the truth, that they won't twist what your doctor says or unintentionally omits; that they won't twist your information into whatever form they can to arrive at the cheapest way to medically treat you - well you might as well stop reading this blog now. I pray you don't fall into that blind trust, be instinctive and treat it as a business transaction because that's what it is to them and the Judge has the final word. You need to read on and protect yourself; hey you may be one of the "lucky one's", but I doubt it because you're here. I may get lucky and learn something from you!
You have to PROTECT Yourself!
The very first bit of advice I want you to consider is to keep your medical records and information straight. Make copies of eveything and keep binders, files, computer documents, x-rays, MRI'S, CAT scans, scripts for hardware, referrals; anything you can get or request copies of; KEEP! It's best to keep everything chronologically organized also. If you can keep a daily journal with names, dates and phone numbers that's even better. I understand that when you're injured like this the last thing you want to deal with is paperwork, but it's almost necessary to protect yourself and your family. The only up side to it is that you have time to secure everything medically/legally pertinent and it can be done a little at a time, give it an hour a day.
Being injured and labeled "totally and permanently disabled" is the most humbling and embarrassing reality I've ever had to deal with. Most likely by now you've searched the net you've seen the most common mistakes made by Injured Officers. What you may miss are the mistakes made by your doctors ~ Yes, I said doctors... If it's not a misdiagnosis its the way they've documented your care. It's so common for doctors to scribble something down (chicken scratch) not knowing the importance of how things are written could mean delays or in some cases loss of specific benefits. The courts use that scribbled information to determine/deny or approve your benefits, eligibility and degree of care you're entitled to. One simple mistake by your doctor, surgeon, physical therapist or any other medical professional could be a bonanza for the insurance companies lawyer! You need to understand that the lawyers and consultants are paid employees of the Insurance companies and they will say anything to bring up doubt to discredit your case. *Please note: Either those lawyers, Doctors, physical therapist produce a desired result or the Insurance companies don't use them anymore and they're out of a job and can't feed their familiy. That's a cold hard fact. They actually sell books for medical professionals outlining the correct way to document findings in Workers Compensation and SSDI cases, but I've never seen any doctor or medical professional refer or have one of these books on their shelves, except for one! Personally; I've even had the displeasure of having an IME (Independent Medical Exam), performed at the request of the insurance company, chewed apart by the insurance company lawyers and used to delay my initial surgery! I truly believe if I was operated right away or close to it I wouldn't be here typing out this horrific experience.
Know where to put your trust!
I'd like to think of my blog as "common sense" but who could ever think this would ever happen? You're the only one in this mess and the road out of it isn't short and clear, in fact this road isn't on any map and the fog is as thick as peanut butter! You've got to first; Trust your instincts to survive and get the proper care you need and deserve. You can't buy books that clearly tell the doctors how to write their reports for Workers Comp. and I have to say it's a pretty fat chance you're going to get them to read up on it without you stressing that these books are available to them and things need to be written clearly and specifically. Be sure you know where you put your trust! The doctors who represent the insurance companies say they are "neutral" and some will say "I'm not supposed to tell you this but..." And "I will give an honest report." Some of them will even say "I'm not supposed to tell you what I think you should do but..." ***The point you have to always remember there is a direct conflict of interest regardless of their quote "honest opinion" ~ They are paid employees/consultants of the insurance company who's main interest is to deny you and make money. I can't stress this enough... If a doctor doesn't produce the desired result they simply don't give these doctors referrals. I've found most of these doctors are mostly retired, "out of touch" and non-practicing care givers. Ask yourself; "what kind of doctor goes into health care to help an insurance company save money instead of helping patients?" Although totally unethical it's BIG business; although totally unfair; it's plain as the nose on your face ~ it's all about the money! In fact it's illegal for them to give you any advice. Here's where the law enforcement side of your training should kick in... Presidents, Priests, lawyers, doctors and even elementary school teachers shouldn't ever be considered above the law, innocent or non-suspect. Your own administration (Fellow Officer's) will turn their back on you. Please ~ Don't learn this by your own experience, it's way too costly. You're on your own.
Law's are in place to protect you as well as your employer.
All states have different rules dealing with Worker's Compensation and Municipal law, you have to look it up, ask questions, don't let anything just pass you by and make mistakes that are considered obvious. Follow your doctor's recommendations and if you feel they aren't giving you the proper care... For God's sake go find a doctor who can help you! You are the only person who can judge whether or not you're being treated fairly, but how do you know what's fair unless you've personally experienced this situation? There are many ways to get help; hiring a lawyer is a good First step! In Albany, NY I suggest Alex Dell Esq.. You don't want to hire the lawyer recommended by your work! If you have to travel to some dark "of the map" office and their place of employment looks unorganized don't throw your trusts into that wind, regardless of his/her sales pitch. Honestly, look around you and ask yourself; Is this the person I want representing me? It's your life and they're there to protect your rights. If you don't feel comfortable fire them straight away but don't close that door - you're not in a position to make enemies now. Move on quietly, they all may be connected.
*More to come... I need to rest.
Thursday October 26th, 2006
I haven't been doing so well with my pain. I want/need to get this done but I think this will be a long project. I'm hurting all the time and I'm the only one who feels it! All my hobbies are set aside, everything that used to be fun (for me) is gone... "Just try your best" is what a good Doctor would say (at the very least) keep all your paperwork, and most of all KEEP YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER!
The reason I admitted the PTSD (in front of God and everyone) is because my life is consumed by fear of losing everything I've worked for including my family. I can feel in my gut someone is watching me. How can anyone with this type of injury; feel so much pain and embarrassment and then... not have PTSD? My employer's insurance company said; "We can't allow people to be treated for PTSD... it would open a Pandora's box". I believe the foregoing quote is called ~ "adding insult to injury!" I wish there was some way to be able to show everyone how this feels, physically and mentally; you can't measure what you lose or anything else that comes with my type of disability. But it all comes down to the Insurance companies adjusters training... They are told to hold back any service that could cost them any money or admit liability - you have to get real and believe these things are going on!
~Russian Roulette~
Here's another point... where I'm totally puzzled... Where are my fellow Brothers and Sisters? Regardless of position, Why don't they rally to help me? Don't they realize... this can happen to them? And rallying to help me could only help them if, and God forbid, they are injured. The only resoning I can come up with is "they don't think it could ever happen to them". I'm ringing a bell, I hope!
This injury, this life... it's so embarrassing. I have two (2) sixteen (16) year old twin step daughter's, a (15) fifteen year old boy, (21) Twenty - one year old son... Why or who would want to be in my position? My life is totally uncertain; and the future, even tomorrow, I never know how I'm going to feel. I had to sell my old house because I can't do the upkeep anymore.
After dealing with this for two and one half or so years (2 1/2), and actually since my last surgery, I've been racking my brain, I've been trying to figure out how or what I can do... What kind of employment is out there for someone who's in pain all the time and unreliable because of this pain? I can't even be reliable as a husband, what should I do??? Who would want this life? Why don't they take care of me like they promised (implied and written)... Am I supposed to feel disgraced?

Above Is a photo of my backyard on the Hudson River Stillwater, N.Y.; to the left is my canoe - A canoe I haven't been able to use!
I'm not having a good day, I need to lay down...
~About the Benefits; if you're "Injured in the Line of Duty"~
You'll see at the top left or bottom right, of this site, several links... I hope you can use them "if you're entitled". It appears that some people have been able to utilize these benefits but you have to meet all the points required for entitlement and it's not a quick and/or guaranteed entitlement. You have to work for it! Trust me I know how it feels - "work" for me now is actually making it through a day! From my bed to the couch. If I'm able to shower and I bend the wrong way it can put me back in bed... if I'm able to get out of bed! Some days are better than others and I do try, you should too... Don't give up and do it a little at a time.
I need to stop for now, my body has become a human barometer! I'm hurting so much right now...
~You're not paranoid... They're really after you!~
I went to see my O.D. and my Orthopedic surgeon since my last post. One medication was bumped up; other than that it was the same as it ever was... However, the appointment with my surgeon was a little different, he actually listened to me a little closer and appeared to be genuinely concerned. As far as my pain goes, there really isn't anything accept remove the screws... And that's just a guess - if I went through with the operation I'd be risking paralysis and it may not work. A risk I'm going to wait on taking... We talked about what the lawyer for the insurance company did at our last hearing; he was trying to belittle and fight with me... Apparently it's an accepted practice. Maybe they thought I'd jump up and smack "jerk a knot in his tail". My surgeon said, when ever those insurance company lawyer's take his testimony, they attempt to harass and intimidate. Without a medical degree; these lawyers belittle diagnosed injuries. Why doesn't anyone step up and stop them from abusing their position? Sure, some of the benefits owed to the disabled worker's have been paid but - they cut corners, they save money on behalf of the employer's. The injured employee pays when they're allowed to cut these "corners".
~As a matter of written law~
Worker's Compensation was set up to protect the employee and the employer's from binding our legal system and preventing collapse of the businesses in our country because of work related injuries; but obviously the scales are tipped on the side of the employer when it comes to actually assigning compensation to an permanently disabled employee who has lost everything! It's not hard to find the reason why they get away with "low balling" disabled workers; it's all about the money and the only winner is the insurance company.
This is not a scare tactic... It's a fact!
From the Insurance company lawyer's taking advantage of an disabled employee who has no representation to the employees who aren't injured at all. There's always an extreme... But what about the lawyer's for the insurance companies who represent the employer... What stops them from their dishonest practices? What are their ramifications? What I'm trying to say is; "if you don't have a lawyer you can trust, an advocate who knows the laws and the system that can and will swallow you up and spit you out into poverty... Then find a one you can trust NOW! Before it's too late."
*Family time... Drop me a line, I haven't heard from anyone in a while!
God that really brings me down. I know you are and have been in a bad place. I have an continue to worry for you and Laura. I feel helpless as well knowing there isn't much if anything I can do in my position. I continue to offer whatever I can. You are my brother and I love you. There is nothing more important than family. There isn't a time when I speak with our brothers when your name doesn't come up. I was really disappointed my last trip you couldn't make it to Ronnies for the get together. I think we are all having a hard time figuring out what it is we can do. It's easy for me to say but life is hard enough with the cards that are dealt to us.........you have to stay positive. You are always good for a laugh. You look at life in a different way than anyone I know and I hope you never lose that. If or when you ever need to talk please reach out to me. It's time to try and turn things around so you can look at what life has to offer you. You clearly have your thoughts together sharing you experiences and guidance for other individuals. Hell, this website could mushroom into something huge if that is something you want or can maintain.
For what it is worth, I don't know if it runs in the family, our up bringing as kids or what but, I too find my self in the darkest of areas sometimes in my head where I can see a way out. It is a bad place to go....scary and dangerous place to go........... You need to recognize when you are headed there and do whatever is needed at that time to change you thoughts. Easier said than done I know. I still struggle with it sometimes daily but there isn't a week that goes by where I find myself headed there. Do whatever you can to stay positive.
Give your wife a kiss and make the best of your day...everyday!
Your Bro,
You need to know... I'm not giving up. See Rob; I - I just need help right now. Help from the doctors in this area, for some reason, they can't give to me. I'm stuck because I've been injured on the job, In the line of duty, and under Workers comp law I can't go out of New York state for help. It's some legal way to screw me and keep costs and the truth down... I seriously feel that way.
What most people do is generalize back injuries and compare them to the aches and pains they have felt... What they don't understand- and that included me before I was injured - Is that everyone's pain is different... their tolerance to pain, the medications that will work and even the injuries they've gotten. When people hear I've had a fusion they generalize.. what they need to not over look is what caused the pain in the first place... For me I had a Burst fracture... Not a common thing and just as the word burst insinuates it burst and bone shards went in all different directions... when they first took MRI's of my films they said they saw "nothing" then I took it to others to consult and they saw a "cyst" - they thought it was a cyst... Cysts can be caused by trauma... and I guess they were all set to take out the cyst when they fist operated on me... the doctor - I thought - was top notch - he did a cadaver fusion where the cadaver bone was mixed with my bone...it didn't work! He (The first surgeon) then said he wouldn't operate/help me anymore... I was left out to find help somewhere else.. Talk about feeling hopeless! Needless to say being privy to the medical stuff no one ever wants to know I was blown away! I knew he was dropping me but the actual reason why I don't know.
I knew I had to do something because being that the first fusion failed there was a huge portion of my spine cut out with no support.On X-ray it kind of looked like a bridge on the road was missing. I was hurting like crazy and now I had to find another surgeon to help. I remembered a guy who I used to work with, he had the same work ethic as I did and I looked him up... He said he'd operate on me but said he wasn't sure he could help my pain. This made sense to me because the bone shards from the injury sliced, pierced, cut and punctured my spinal nerves... Naturally it looked like a war zone when they went in the first time and the second surgery only aggravated everything. I seriously thought I wouldn't make it out of that hospital after the second surgery! I thought I was going to die. So to think that something could just miraculously happen now is a solid pipe dream and I'd be a fool to think I'd ever be the same. However, I do try.. I try everyday, however someday's I hurt way too much to even get out of bed. This house has to go, even though it was a dream of mine to live on the water it's crazy for me to think I'd ever be able to maintain the upkeep on this house.The house went on the market the third week of October.
I do feel deserted and really all the excuses everyone has are just that. I remember helping - or should I say being able to help everyone whenever I could and now that I'm in this position everyone has something else more pressing. Look I'm not a fool - I understand people have things and their families to handle, but I do know that I was there for them... Now I'm without and down... I've got the house to a spot so I can sell it but as unfortunate as it may seem the housing market has taken a turn... I put the house up under priced, being that it's water front property, in hopes it sells but what the heck who knows what tomorrow will bring.. Workers comp they can ruin your day...at a whim... The insurance company for my employer say's they have some kind of video tape of me doing something I shouldn't be doing.. Surveillance I guess but I can't imagine what they have... My surgeon told me to do whatever I can...whenever I can... I followed his advice... I try everyday to do something but what they don't see is the weeks I spend in bed because I've tried something. It's all about the money and I've tried to contact anyone I could to help me out IE. Governor Pataki, Hillary.... I've gotten some responses but like I say - Money rules... The government doesn't like to acknowledge injured officers because then they have to admit there's a problem and money should be spent.
Whenever anyone visits they have something else they have to run and do... I guess my house is hard to be at for some reason... They ask what they can do and I really don't know what to say.. I can't run around and get the things they need to do the jobs I need to have done...I've tried that.. It about killed me! I'm up shit creek dude... and my paddles have either rotted or they are broken...
I spend most of my days in bed or on the couch.. driving goes right threw me but then again...there again - I try. I've had several court hearings and at the last one the insurance companies lawyer gave me crap (trying to piss me off I think) about having my 62 year old mother in law helping me out. He also made reference to the video they made and also that I bought a camper and an SUV... I went on vacation once this year to Mystic but it was good that I had the Camper because I spent most my time on the site... See I figured I had to find a way to keep my family together and when we go camping there are 5 other families we know with campers that keep my family occupied. Good idea I think! When we went to Florida I spent most of my time in the condo on the couch or in bed... I could see Laura and the girls from the room window so at least I knew what was going on. Laura and I even argued because I wasn't fun. My theory is "I can hurt anywhere" and I did... On the way back I hurt so bad I had to lay on the floor in the terminal...See it's pretty darn embarrassing for me to need a wheel chair or a cane but I do. I can even go so far as to say I could really use an electric scooter and an adjustable bed and it's not a far jump... My back has put me in a real bad place.
So - I've told you all this and I can't imagine what you could do or say to change anything... Maybe you could read my blog once in a while and leave me a comment on the site... It's kind of a way for me to get through this... I'm up at all hours from this pain so it gives me something to go to... I thought you knew all this stuff and if I'm repeating myself...excuse me... I never know what I've said anymore.
Hang in there, Brother. I too am a disabled officer. I was refused a disabilty retirement by our wonderful retirement system. They said don't even attempt to apply for a Disabilty Retirement because you have no documentation and they were right for most of it. I have five fractured vertebrae. I have no way of proving how most of them happened during my career because like you I just shook it off as an ache or a pain shorty after bagging the perp. I started on the job in 74'. Back then the bosses didn't file an injury report unless you went out in an ambulance , so most of my early injuries are undocumented. Therefore no proof. All I can say to the younger officers of today is "CYA" document every injury, because if you don't cover yourself no one else will. I now face back surgery this month for nerve damage in my back and the neurosurgeon said this is only to relieve the pain. He said my lower back is fusing itself together from arthritic damage to the lower five vertebrae and the discs are gone and the eventual prognosis is
the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Keep your Chin up Son and fight the battle for the rest of us that have already lost the fight against the system.
From a fellow officer in Florida.
I hear the same bells ringing! It is all about money. I too was denied disability retirement and the department even set out to try to fire me. They tried to make up some internal charges but failed so then they said I wasn't really injured that bad and then tried to say with my injury they didn't have any "limited" work for me. I went back to school got two degrees and work in corporate security where I get paid better travel often and get respect. I still suffer from back and shoulder pain two more surgeries later. FAMILY is your only hope, to heck with them. Your brothers in law enforcement who have suffered what you have are also your friends. If you need an ear I am here. What state are you in as I travel all over with my job?
Drop me a line, I want to encourage you, that there are people who care! Don't let the department "RE-INJURE" you with their lack of concern EVEN though you have risked your life in the line of duty many times over.
Tom Sanders Florida
Hang in there man. You are so right about fellow officers turning their backs in ignorance. They don't realaize they too could be where you are if they are not careful.
I injuried my shoulder back in 1999 chasing a suspect over a fence during a burgulary in progress call. The bad thing was it turned out to be the cable TV repairman.
At first I was fine and about 10 minutes later I felt a burning in my shoulder that felt like someone drove a hot poker through my muscle. I immediately called my supervisor and he said drive to the station and file a first report of injury form with our HR person. The pain was unbearable but I drove back to the station. Later it just kept getting worse so I decided to go to the hospital. No one would even drive me there. I drove my unit to the ER myself.
Well many months later after my primary care doctor had done PT on my shoulder he said he just didn't know why I wasn't getting any better. I decided to change doctors and my next doctor immediately siad I had to have surgery to repair a nerve in my shoulder.
After the surgery I did feel a little better but had lost some range of motion in my arm. My doctor said wait a year and see what happened. I did return to work on light duty and that of course gets you marked as a lazy ass who is out to get paided by workers comp. A year later I couldn't live with the pain and loss of movement in my arm so I went back to my doctor and he referred me to another specialist in his practice. He determined that I had torn the tendons in my shoulder. Back to surgery we went and another bout of PT for six months. After six month I had not gained any movement but had actually lost more. So again they figured I had favored my arm so much that it was just frozen up from lack of use. Again surgery was attempted to manipulate my arm back to normal. Didn't work so I was now completely depressed and not knowing what to do next.
That is when the bomb went off. My employer had requested me to go to the insurance company doctor for a reevaluation. I went with all my records and their doctor said well you have been to the best doctors in Houston and I guess if they can't fix you theres nothing I can do. Sounded like good news to me. He was agreeing with my doctors. then he said I guess your police career is over. I am going to give you a disablity rating. So he did a lousy 10% DR and I got a whole $2000.00 from workers comp.
I went back to my department and told them what was said and asked if there was any position available for me to work that didn't require me to have to have direct contact with the criminal element. they suggested I apply for a position as our crime scene technician. I did but during the interview only question about my disabality were asked and nothing about my experience or abilities to do the job. So go figure I didn't get the position.
Next on the agenda was a hearing before a board of my peers to determine what the next step taken would be.
Well we had gotten a new chief while I was out recovering from my last surgery and he hand picked his boys for the board (you know the type) and so they determined that I was unable to perform my duties as a police officer after 23 years of service and I was asked to retire from service or be terminated. Yes, TERMINATED as we in Texas or not protected from this because of the Work for Hire laws.
Unfortunately we were not civil service and that too was a sticky subject because I happened to be the president of our police association and before I was injuried had been working on getting civil service for our department.
So now I was out the door with a retirement that I couldn't live off of because I was only 43 years old. I was reduced from a $60,000.00 a year salary to a $14,000 a year retirement if I decided to get into it at my age. What choice did I have. I had to do it. Well lucky for me my wife of 21 years owned her own successful business and I didn't have to worry to much about the money or so I thought.
The sad thing was I like you still wasn't able to do the things I had enjoyed before and was constantly living with pain and the loss of use in my arm. I also became depressed because I like you had always worked and had given my 100% to the job. So much so I had neglected my family in the process and missed a big part of my daughters life due to work.
Well my daughter went off to college (in Texas they have a bill that covers tuition if you are a firefighter or police office disabled or killed in the line of duty. Check and see if you have this in your state).I was depressed and felt useless to my family.
I tried going back to school to take computer classes but it turned out that that was too hard because I was the oldest person in my classes and most of the students were people I had arrested or had taught DARE to when I was working in the schools. After a year and a half I decided to quit because everyone was saying how hard it was to get jobs now in the computer field.
About a year later my wife started having an affair and soon after that I was divorced. I had worked all my life for what I had and I walked out the door with my clothes and a few personal belongings. We had saved money all of our lives to cover tuition for our daughter college tuition (which was now free) and our retirement but my ex-wife had taken everything from our accounts and hidden the money from me. I couldn't afford to hire an attorney and most of the ones I talked to said that it would cost more to fight her and try to find the money then it was worth after their expenses were paid.
So I was homeless. I lived with friends and finally moved into a small low rent apartment and started forcing myself to work my arm everyday. After months I finally was seeing some results. the pain was still there but the movement was coming back. I gradually got better and with the help of some friends (not any of my fellow officers) I finally got out and decided I wanted to do what I had always loved. I wanted to open a photography business. My friends supported my decision and helped get me work. Today I am by no means rich but I can pay my bills.
I have met a new woman an I am now engaged to be married. She is great, supportive, works and owns her own home. I like you had given up but GOD came back into my life.
Do I still have pain? Yes everyday but I have decided that I am going to have to live with it. Do I miss my old job? Definitely. Most of the guys I worked with or now out of a job themselves. The new chief either fired or forced them to retire or quit because he wanted a bunch of fresh, young, inexperienced minds he could control and mould into his way of thinking. The bad thing is he had no law enforcement experience when he became chief. Politics got him his job and he is a rookie just like the guys who work for him. He is the chief of a medium size department and he still runs all the hot calls when they come in. Scary.
Russ keep fighting and don't give up. Show your family that you love them everyday. Tell them how you are feeling and ask them how they feel about your situation. Depression is not something that goes way fast but it can be controlled. For me just talking was the cure. It looks like you have started doing just that here on this blog. I wil check back often and if I can help in any way let me know.
Your friend,
Scott Wilson
Wow! What a lengthy and "nightmarish" comment! Thank's for taking the time... Just a few things I'd like to point out that every reader needs to know...
Being careful doesn't preclude you from becoming injured. I was careful all the time and look at me!
I feel for you losing your family... Your everything. There are times where I wonder why my wife stays with me... I guess I'll never be able to grasp the love she has for me. Maybe she remembers the man I was and is holding out for me to get some what better. I know I'd be a lot thinner if I wasn't with her, that's for sure! The fact that your's left you just proves she wasn't the one and you're better off without an honest faithful partner.
I just got a phone call from my lawyer, he just viewed the video tape the insurance company had made. Apparently it covers a span from my initial injury right on up to August of this year! That's a lot of video. "Nothing" my lawyer says... They have nothing; I told my lawyer that a long time ago... My god don't they think if I could do something I would? I guess they don't have a lot of faith in the Officers they hire. I'm supposed to get a copy of the tape here soon... It's just burns me up by their obvious denials... It makes you bitter when you're not trusted by a system you gave your all too.
I want to tell you again about how Officer's got their benefit's back when they fought. No one is going to do it for you and it's a long, drawn out affair but there are things out there you can apply for! I'm not one to throw away money so think about it... If you have questions on it give me an email - I'll see what I can pull together for you!
Until then, take care and may God be with you and surround you everyday!
Dear Russ,
I met you this morning in a chat room related to back injuries. I've since read your blog, along with the comments, and I must say I'm somewhat beside myself.
At 36 years old I decided to enter Law Enforcement majoring in Criminal Justice. Unlike yourself and the other officers, depression was my 'first' encounter. For the past 14 years I've lived on social security disability. I must say I so much understand the humiliation and feelings of worthlessness from time to time, esp when I'm asked what type insurance I have and when I state Medicare, they correct me and say, "You mean Medicaid?" I suppose people have their own mindset and I'm viewed as an able bodied individual -or- I suppose, at times, a welfare recipent (which I am not). This thwarted my life for some time before planning a way to escape it. I decided I'd go to college since working required a minimal take home pay of at least $300 a week for me to break even. This left me no incentive to find employment despite my ability (uncertainty) to do so. At 25 I was making more on disability than many seniors who had worked their whole lives. (Our system certainly has it's flaws!)
Three years into my college experience I'm still working on my degree. I love a great deal about law enforcement and I hate a great deal about it too but it doesn't matter now because I was rear-ended by two cars two months ago leaving me in more pain than I could ever imagine. An officer of the law I'll never be!
I also understand spending so much time sitting/lying down to find comfort only to realize the pain is still there is undescribable. We recently provided security for a local event and I'm sure people looked at me and thought to themselves- how can she do that with a broken back. The depression that college nearly cured is again crushing me. I don't believe anyone realized my one night of volunteering landed me in bed for the following 3 days. I'm finding myself falling deeper and deeper into depression and I have no clue what my future now holds.
I do understand your pain and I've learned a bit more about our system and the methods they adopt (and don't). I thank you for speaking to me tonite and hope you realize the few minutes you spent with me taught me a great deal. Keep on keepin on Russ and may God bless you & protect you from any further dispair.
Russ/Pedro. This is Annie from the yahoo group. This is a tragic and unconsciousable story. How sad that our police officers put their lives on the line to protect us and then be so illegally mistreated is beyond me. God bless you and your family,
Annie G
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with workers comp .
One would think they would treat the law enforcement workers better than they do but I guess NYS doesn't see it that way.
I know how difficult WC is in NY , I've been dealing with the same BS from it too, altho I've never had them use survielence tapes in court on me yet . Thats probably the next thing I can expect. Too bad they don't tape your life 24/7 and watch the way pain has altered the way one has to live.
My son has graduated with a degree in criminal justice and has taken all the exams and Is now waiting to hear back. 3 years ago when he 1st started the courses he finished 23rd in the state but passed on going in then to finish his degree, probably a mistake by him but hindsights always 20/20
I wish you luck in dealing with the depression issues , I know myself those demons were almost as bad as the pain it self.
It sounds like you have a very supportive family and are very lucky to have that.
I know it would make my life a lot better if I had support like that.
Take care and if you ever want to vent or just talk to another NYer dealing with back issues feel free to contact me.
I'm on yahoo IM under
I just read the information on your site and then I read the psychiatrists report and brother I would be upset too. The good news (if having your injuries is good news) is that your doc tells it the way it is and clearly identifies what you have gone through and what you are constantly going through with the
surveillance by W/C and those insurance guys. You can't quit
and as easy as it is for me to say you can't let them win, remember,
repeat NOT DOCTORS so they can add all the opinions and suppositions that they want, but, in reality it
means NOTHING. Your DOCTORS Clearly state what you are suffeing from i.e. Depression and PTSD and I would imagine that your
O.D. and Orthepeadic Doctors reports just based on the XRay you have posted clearly sees that you are a maze of metal, pins and screws, you don't have to go to med school to see that. I have suffered from Depression since 1994
and PTSD since my days in Nam and also from "the job", IT IS WHAT IT
IS and these investigators will NEVER change that with their opinions. Just know that I recently had neck surgery on 5/2/07where a plate was put in from the C-2 to c-6 level with titanium screws and although some of the pain has been relieved I still have pain and NEVER will be the same and neither will you. You are in my prayers and keep the faith. Anytime you feel you need to talk feel free to contact me, I have and in a way still there.
God Bless,
I have to say... That my wife incredible as she is, still Loves me. I can say that she will endure our relationship as the partner she was. I can say that I need to learn to understand that this injury isn't going to go away. I can say a lot of things... But I'm wondering if the people know what I gave up for them. It really seems like "The People" don’t care, like my siblings (almost, my family thinks I'm okay if I do for them but finds me offensive if I'm injured" The quote really is: Stop your Pity parties" in essence he stated that people don't want to hear that you're hurt and because you don't go to family functions.
I'm injured, I hurt & sitting still playing cars hurts. Driving my Lawn Tractor HURTS! I don't see why they don't believe me....
I used to work circles around them, I was in the Military... They stayed home.
I guess some would have a "pity Party" and I only entertain these words because they were spoken to me and I feel robbed by my own family I put ME into. Collectively I feel that Ive been hurt again!
Not by my family but by my injury.
Who DO you blame for that?
So many days have passed and I can honestly say I never hurt worse than I have consistently for months I have. ODD sentence I, Understand, I’m wondering if this will ever be read… If you’re an Officer in the future passed the year 2057 I’ll be 100 years old! No way (If I’m alive… KILL ME – Unless there’s a medical Miracle!).
If I’m alive at 60 tell me that they haven’t fixed the medical treatment of Officers Injured in the Line of Duty (LODI) Just for the record: I’m a Public Safety Officer. I wonder what the laws are in the future.
Our Economy is only going to create more trouble with putting band-aids on some serious problems… Like they are paying to make the rich get the total principal by the Billions the government has lost.
OH- There is no more Pontiac company, Our President Barrack Obama is trying to clean house! The Republican Party on CSPAN is repugnant; for the most part. And I have two Australian Shepherds! They hopefully will calm down soon but are good dogs.
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