
This is one of the most updated sites I've found that offer positions to you young Bucks who have the fire in them and ability to move nation wide! It's no surprise that with the recession or economic down turn - how ever you choose to look at our society at this current time (Thank you President #43!) Civil servants will be needed now more than ever. I must warn you of some trouble spots that, if you're not at the "VERY TOP OF YOUR GAME" you need to stay away from!
  • Oakland, California
  • Orange County, California
  • Lower New York (The Burrough's of NY) including Queen's, Brooklyn ETC...
  • The Southern zone and borders of Texas
  • All of Florida!
***The idea is to find an area YOU know or WANT to live! And to survive on the pay, it may not be conducive to you being able to survive as crime is going to hit us like a Tsumami and the cost of living going to cause rational people to do irrational things. It is experience that makes you a better Officer, as you spend your time in the trenches! After years, promotions and tradgedies that propel your seniority (you'll be required to belong to a Union and you have NO choice!

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